Series and Movies

This post is about my favorite movies and series. I really like watch things in Netflix and I think I have a really good taste for that. First the series:

Game of Thrones 
This serie is about kingdoms, queens and kings who dispute the throne, there're: The North, The Vale, The Crownlands, The Stormlands, Dorne, The Reach, The Westerlands, The Riverlands and The Iron Islands, each one with a house, that is a family (for example: the house Tyrell, the house Targaryen or the house Stark).  It's a really good serie, every episode is like a movie. 

Breaking Bad
It's about a chemistry and overcapacitated high school teacher who gets vey sick and he has to do things that wasn't the best. The serie is all in Netflix so I invite you to watch it, because it's the best. 

Now about the movies, I have a lot but I will write about only two:

American Beauty
This film is a drama one, it's about a man who has a crisis with his wife (he's kind of crazy), he starts to do things  that he never did before like smoking marihuana, he explore his life in many ways: like romantic and paternal love, sexuality, beauty, materialism, self-liberation and more. Actually, I think it's a satire of the american middle-class family.

The Shining
This is a classic one, is dramatic, horror and kind of physiological movie. Some scenes are like a piece of art. The protagonist actor is Jack Nicholson, so you can imagine that it is so good. I don't wanna describe all the movie because you have to watch it. 


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